Mostrando postagens com marcador family members. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador family members. Mostrar todas as postagens

Gabarito dos Exercícios Sobre os Membros da Família em Inglês


1) The son of my daughter is my ........

(B) grandson

2) The husband of my mother is my ........

(A) father

3) The sister of my father is my ....... 

(C) aunt

4) The children of my son are my ....... 

(A) grandchildren

5) The son of my brother is my ....... 

(B) nephew

6) The wife of my father is my ....... 

(A) mother

7) The sister of my brother is my .......

(C) sister

8) The mother of my husband is my.......

(A) mother-in-law

9) The mother of my brother is my ....... 

(A) mother

10) The daughter of my father is my ....... 

(A) sister

11) The daughter of my sister is my ....... 

(C) niece

12) The mother of my father is my ....... 

(B) grandmother

13) The daughter of my aunt is my ....... 

(A) cousin

14) The children of my grandparents are my ....... 

(A) parents

15) The father of my cousin is my ....... 

(B) uncle

16) The father of my father is my ....... 

(C) grandfather

17) The wife of my son is my .......

(B) daughter-in-law

18) The father of my sister is my .......

(A) father

Voltar para Family Members – Membros da Família em Inglês