Comparativo de Superioridade dos Adjetivos Longos - Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Escreva o comparativo de 
superioridade dos adjetivos abaixo:

a) interesting -  MORE INTERESTING 
b) beautiful - MORE BEAUTIFUL
c) annoyed - MORE ANNOYED  

d) nervous -  MORE NERVOUS

e) gentle -  GENTLER   ou   MORE GENTLE

f) friendly -  FRIENDLIER  ou  MORE FRIENDLY 

g) comfortable -  MORE COMFORTABLE 

Gabarito dos Exercícios: Possessive Pronouns


1) Escolha a opção correta:
a) Is this cat  YOURS ?

b) That coat is MINE.  

c) The new car is THEIRS.  

d) Is the dog HERS? 

e) That red bike is  OURS.

f) This garden is  HIS  .

g) The houses are YOURS .

Voltar para Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Adjectives: Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Complete as frases com
 my, your, his, her, its, our ou their.

a) She is doing  HER homework.

b) Do you live with YOUR parents?

c) We love OUR new car.

d) He's in HIS bedroom.

e) They are with THEIR father.

f) I like MY job.

g) You and your friend like YOUR bikes.

h) It is famous for ITS canals.

Gabarito dos Exercícios - Comparativo de Superioridade dos Adjetivos Curtos


1) Escreva o comparativo de 
superioridade dos adjetivos abaixo: 

a) tall -  TALLER 
b) fast - FASTER 
c) good - BETTER    

d) heavy - HEAVIER 

e) big - BIGGER  

f) bad -  WORSE

g) old - OLDER   

h) cheap -  CHEAPER 

i) easy -  EASIER 

j) young -  YOUNGER  

k) sad -  SADDER  

l) nice -  NICER 

m) fat -  FATTER 

Como usar Why e Because: Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Complete as frases com 
Why ou Because:

a)  WHY  are you sad? 

WHY  is he angry? 

c)  BECAUSE  he is late. 

d)  BECAUSE  she is tired.

e)  BECAUSE  I am sick. 

f)  WHY  are they worried?

g)  WHY  is she here? 

h)  BECAUSE  they are smart.

i)  BECAUSE  it is cold.

j)  WHY is it important?

Gabarito dos Exercícios: Comparativo de Igualdade


1) Comparativo de

a) AS intelligent AS

b) AS good AS

c) AS big AS

d) AS tall AS 

e) AS fast AS  

f) AS beautiful AS 

g) AS bad AS  

h) AS expensive AS

i) AS pretty AS  

j) AS short AS 

Gabarito dos Exercícios: Possessive Case


1) Complete as frases 
com ’ ou ’s:

a) Billy 'S car is red.

b) John 'S secretary is here.

c) They sell ladiesclothes in this store.

d) The doctor 'S  kids are very nice.

e) The women 'S boyfriends are late.

f) My friendscousins are beautiful.

g) We love Grandma 'S cookies.

h) The engineer 'S sunglasses are broken.

i) I don’t like boys'  sneakers.

j) Bring the baby 'S toys.

Voltar para Possessive Case

Gabarito dos Exercìcios: Comparative of Equality


1) Complete as frases com o 
comparativo de igualdade das 
palavras em parênteses.

a) Jane is  AS BEAUTIFUL AS Kate. (beautiful)

b) You are AS INTELLIGENT AS my sister. (intelligent) 

c) Tom is not  AS TALL AS Glen.  (tall)

d) She is  AS OPTIMISTIC AS her son. (optimistic) 

e) Kevin is not  AS BRAVE AS Josh. (brave) 

f) Your car is AS GOOD AS mine. (good) 

g) This room is AS BIG AS that one. (big)

Genitive Case: Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Escolha a opção correta
para completar as frases em 

a) Os livros do professor.

The TEACHER'S books.

b) O rabo do gato.

The CAT'S tail.

c) O osso dos cães. 

The DOGS' bone.

d) Os estojos das meninas.

The GIRLS' pencilcases.

e) Os brinquedos do bebê. 

The BABY'S toys.

f) A bicicleta dos meninos.

The BOYS' bike.

g) Os vestidos das senhoras. 

The LADIES' dresses.

h) Os óculos das mulheres.

The WOMEN'S glasses.

i) A pipa das crianças

The CHILDREN'S kite.

j) As tias da Paula.

 PAULA'S aunts.

Voltar para Genitive Case

Gabarito dos Exercícios: Present Continuous Tense


1) Escreva na forma AFIRMATIVA
do Present Continuous.

a) We ARE WORKING (work) 

b) I AM READING now . (read) 

c) You ARE WASHING the dishes. (wash)

d) She IS STUDYING. (study)

2) Escreva na forma NEGATIVA
do Present Continuous.

a) You AREN'T PLAYING. (play) 

b) It ISN'T RAINING. (rain)

c) He ISN'T SLEEPING. (sleep)

3) Escreva na forma INTERROGATIVA
do Present Continuous.

a)  AM I DREAMING  now? (I - dream

b)  IS SHE PLAYING? (she - play

c)   ARE THEY READING? (they - read 

Gabarito: Atividade sobre o Halloween


Halloween Quiz

1) Quando é comemorado 
o Halloween?
31 de outubro 

2) Do que é feito um 

3) O que as crianças 
dizem quando batem na 
porta no Halloween?
Trick or Treat

4) A palavra "Halloween" é a 
junção de All Hallows' Eve. 
Se traduzirmos ao pé da letra 
para o português o que 
significaria a palavra 
Véspera do Dia de Todos os Santos.

5) O que significa 
"Costume Party"?
Festa à fantasia.

6) "Casa Mal-Assombrada" em 
inglês se diz:
Haunted House.

7) A expressão "play pranks" 
pregar peças.

8) "Tell scary stories" significa
contar histórias assustadoras.

9) "Dress up in costumes" significa
vestir fantasias.

10) O que significa 
"to carve pumpkins"?
Esculpir abóboras.

Gabarito: Present Continuous - Forma Interrogativa


1) Escreva na forma 
do Present Continuous.

a) IS SHE STUDYING? (she - study) 

b) ARE THEY SLEEPING right now? ( they - dance) 

c) ARE YOU PLAYING well? (you - play) 

d) IS HE READING? (he - read

e) ARE WE GOING now ? (we - go

Gabarito dos Exercícios: WILL - Interrogative Form


1) Escolha a opção correta 
para completar as frases
na forma Interrogativa:

a) WILL SHE GO  to the party? 


c) WILL IT SNOW next month?

d) WILL YOU DO  me a favor?

e) WILL YOU LEND me your book?

Gabarito: Reading Comprehension: An Invitation


1) Duas palavras que significam "também"

2) Marque True (verdadeiro) ou False (falso):

a) TRUE - Ben and Liz are going to the movies tonight.

b) FALSE - Ben likes horror movies.

c) TRUE - Liz doesn't like horror movies.

d) FALSE - Ben likes adventures but Liz doesn't.

e) TRUE -  Ben and Liz like adventures.

Gabarito dos Exercícios: WILL - Negative Form

1) Complete as frases 
usando WILL na forma 
e os verbos que estão
entre parênteses
a) They WON'T COME at 6 o'clock.(come)

b) I WON'T ANSWER  the question.(answer)

c) He WON'T LOCK the door.(lock

d) She WON'T CATCH  the ball.(catch)

e) We WON'T READ that book.(read)

f) It WON'T RAIN tonight. (rain).

g) You WON'T ASK him.(ask)

Too x Either: Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Escolha a opção correta: 

a) I'm tired.
I am TOO.
b) I don't like beans.
I don't  EITHER.

c) I don't like broccoli.
I don't EITHER.
d) They are doctors.
We are  TOO.
e) You are happy.
They are TOO.

f) She loves salad.
I do TOO.

g) He doesn't work on Sundays.
She doesn't EITHER.

h) They don't speak Chinese.
We don't EITHER.

Present Continuous - Negativa - Gabarito dos Exercícios

1) Escreva na forma NEGATIVA
do Present Continuous.
Siga o exemplo:
He ________. (eat)
He isn't eating.

a) She ISN'T READING. (read) 

b) They AREN'T SINGING. (sing) 

c) It ISN'T FLYING . (fly) 

d) He ISN'T DRIVING . (drive) 

e) We AREN'T WRITING now . (write) 

The End!

Gabarito dos exercícios sobre Simple Future WILL


1) Complete as frases usando 
os verbos em parênteses na 
forma afirmativa d
Simple Future WILL:

a)  I WILL HELP  you with your homework.(help) 

b) She  WILL WIN this game.(win)

c) They WILL COME  at 5. (come)

d) You 
WILL CALL me next week. (call) 

e)  It 
WILL RAIN tomorrow. (rain)

f)  He   WILL PAY for it. (pay) 

g)  We 
WILL STAY at home.(stay)

Imperative - Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Use os verbos entre parênteses para
completar as frases no Imperativo 
Afirmativo ou Negativo.

a) DON'T TALK during the lesson. (not - to talk)

b) READ the instructions. (to read)

c) BRUSH your teeth, please. (to brush)

d) DON'T USE a pencil. (not - to use)

e) DO your homework, please. (to do)

f) DON'T GO upstairs. (not - to go)

g) BE quiet. (to be)

h) DON'T FEED the animals. (not - to feed)

Present Continuous - Forma Afirmativa - Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Escreva os verbos em parênteses 
na forma afirmativa do Present Continuous:
He ________. (eat)
He is eating.

a) She IS READING. (read) 

b) He IS WORKING  (work) 

c) You ARE PLAYING.. (play) 

d) I AM WALKING right now. (walk) 

e) They ARE SLEEPING. (sleep) 

f) We ARE COOKING. (cook) 

g) It IS JUMPING. (jump) 

Simple Past - Gabarito dos Exercícios - Forma Interrogativa


1) Complete as frases 
usando os verbos em 
parênteses na forma Interrogativa:

DID she FINISH her homework? (to finish)

DID he  WALK to school yesterday? (to walk)

DID they  JUMP  into the lake? (to jump)

DID  you VISIT London? (to visit)

e) DID  we LIVE  near your house? (to live)

f) DID it  RAIN yesterday? (to rain)

DID I STOP smoking last year? (to stop)

Gabarito dos Exercícios: Datas em Inglês


1) Escreva o ano por extenso:

a) 2020 - twenty twenty

b) 1986 - nineteen eighty-six

c) 2000 -  two thousand

d) 2017 -  twenty seventeen

2) Escreva as datas.
Siga o exemplo: 

07/17/2017 → July 17th, 2017.

a) 05/01/1986 → May 1st, 1986.

b) 11/23/2019  → November 23rd, 2019.

c) 01/04/1899  → January 4th, 1899.

d) 03/20/1920 → March 20th, 1920.

e) 08/11/1933  → August 11th, 1933.

3) Complete com as preposições IN ou ON:

a) My birthday is  ON  May 15th.

b) I was born IN 2001.

c) It is IN July.

d) It is not ON June 2nd.

e) She was born IN April,1997.

There is/are - Gabarito dos exercícios


1) Escolha a opção correta: There is ou There are

a) THERE IS a bag on the table.

b) THERE IS a calendar on the wall.

c) THERE ARE  four dogs in my house.

d) THERE IS a banana in this basket.

e) THERE ARE  six chairs in the kitchen.

f)  THERE ARE  lots of books on the shelf.

g) THERE IS an elephant in the zoo.

h) THERE ARE   two cats on the sofa.

i) THERE IS  a book on the chair.

j) THERE ARE   five apples in the fridge.

Gabarito: Forma Interrogativa do Verbo To Be


1) Escolha a Forma Interrogativa correta:

a) IS she a musician? 

b) ARE you sad?

c) IS it cold?

d) ARE they at home?

e) ARE we friends?

f) AM I late?

g) IS he American?

h) ARE you teachers? 

Simple Past - Gabarito dos Exercícios - Forma Negativa


1) Escreva os verbos na 
forma negativa contraída:

a) They watched the film last Friday.
They DIDN'T WATCH  the film last Friday.

b) We worked last night.
We DIDN'T WORK  last night.

c) I walked home last Tuesday.
I  DIDN'T WALK home last Tuesday.

d) You listened to music yesterday.
You DIDN'T LISTEN  to music yesterday.

e) It rained last summer.
It  DIDN'T RAIN last summer.

f) He studied hard last week..
He DIDN'T STUDY  hard last week.