1) Escolha a opção corretapara completar as frases
1) Escolha a opção corretaRESPOSTAS
1) Escreva o ano por extenso:
a) fourth → 4th
b) thirty-second → 32nd
c) eleventh → 11th
d) third → 3rd
e) fifteenth → 15th
f) twenty-seventh → 27th
g) thirty-ninth → 39th
h) nineteenth → 19th
i) ninetieth → 90th
j) sixtieth → 60th
k) sixteenth → 16th
l) twenty-sixth → 26th
m) fourteenth → 14th
n) fortieth → 40th
1) Complete as frasesRESPOSTAS
1) Escolha a Forma Negativa correta:RESPOSTAS
1) Escolha a opção correta:a) twelve (12) → TWELFTH
b) thirty-five (35) → THIRTY-FIFTH
c) ten (10) → TENTH
d) twenty-two (22) → TWENTY-SECOND
e) eight (8) → EIGHTH
f) thirty-one (31) → THIRTY-FIRST
g) three (3) → THIRD
h) thirteen (13) → THIRTEENTH
i) nineteen (19) → NINETEENTH
j) seventeen (17) → SEVENTEENTH
1) Escreva na forma contraída:
1) Complete as frases usandoRESPOSTAS
1) Escolha a opção correta:
a) We WERE at home yesterday.
b) He WAS at school last Saturday.
c) We WERE not at the club yesterday.
d) They WERE happy.
e) I WAS her best friend.
f) You WERE very busy on Friday.
g) It WAS in front of the supermarket.
h) WERE they impolite?
i) She WAS late for school.
j) WAS she rude?