Should e Ought To - Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Marque a frase correta:
We should leave soon.
We should to leave soon.
We should leaving soon.

2) Que palavra completa a frase?
We ____ visit him when we are in Paris.
didn't ought

3) Marque a opção correta:
Do we should call the police?
We should call the police?
Should we call the police?

4) Marque a frase correta:
We should to have a party to celebrate it.
We ought have a party to celebrate it.
We ought to have a party to celebrate it.
5) Que palavra completa a frase?
You ____ ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
ought not

6) Marque a pergunta correta:
We ought to tell her the news?
Ought we tell her the news?
Ought we to tell her the news?

7) Que pergunta NÃO está correta?
Where ought we to park our car?
Who should he to write to?
When should we telephone you?

8) Que frase NÃO está correta?
You ought to invite your friends.
She should happy about the news.
People shouldn't park their cars here.

9) Complete a frase:
You _____ do that!
don't ought to
don't should

10) Complete a frase:
We ____invite them to dinner.
should to
ought to

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