I) Escolha o significado
correto da palavra em cada frase:
1) The rock was
too heavy to lift.
a) pedra
2) She is wearing a
beautiful watch.
a) relógio
3) We will have a match tomorrow
at 7 PM.
a) partida
4) He gave me a light box to carry.
b) leve
5) The company needs more capital to
b) capital (dinheiro)
6) My father loves to wave at
people passing by.
b) acenar
7) We took a walk along the bank of
the river.
b) margem do rio
8) The teacher wrote a letter on
the board.
b) letra
9) She booked a date with
the doctor.
a) consulta
10) He sat in the first row at
the concert.
a) fileira
II) Escolha a alternativa
1) A palavra LIGHT pode significar
b) luz, leve ou claro
2) A palavra BOOK não significa
c) porta
3) Assinale a opção que não se refere ao significado da palavra CAN
b) substantivo que significa funil.
4) A palavra SPRING pode significar:
a) primavera, mola, fonte
5) Marque a alternativa que não se refere ao significado da palavra TIE.
c) morrer
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