Present Perfect Simple - Gabarito dos Exercícios


1) Escolha a opção correta: Have ou Has.
a) I HAVE broken the window.

b) She HAS bought a new umbrella.

c) They HAVE  told me about it.

d) You HAVE   eaten my apple.

e) It HAS  rained a lot.

f) We HAVE   painted the office.

g) He  HAS started a new job.

h) She HAS gone away.

i) I HAVE  lost the money.

j) They HAVE written the essay.

2) Complete usando os verbos regulares 
em parênteses no Present Perfect Simple:

a) She HAS OPENED  the window. (open)

b) They HAVE CALLED us. (call)

c) It HAS RAINED  a lot. (rain)

d) I HAVE WASHED the car. (wash)

e) He HAS CLOSED the window. (close)

f) You HAVE LOCKED   the door. (lock)

g) We HAVE VISITED the museum. (visit)

3) Complete usando os verbos irregulares 
em parênteses no Present Perfect Simple:
a) They HAVE LOST the keys. (lose)

b) I HAVE FORGOTTEN their names. (forget)

c) He HAS BOUGHT a new car. (buy)

d) You HAVE FOUND  a new job. (find)

e) She HAS CUT  herself. (cut)

f) We HAVE SEEN the old car. (see)

g) It HAS DRUNK the water. (drink)

4) Escreva na forma Negativa 
usando a forma contraída:

a) I HAVEN'T SEEN  you for a while. (not - see)

b) He HASN'T PLAYED soccer for some years. (not - play)

c) She HASN'T READ the book. (not - read) 

d) They HAVEN'T MET so far. (not - meet)

5) Escreva na forma Interrogativa:

a) HAVE they ASKED me? (ask) 

b) HAS she  BEEN here all the time? (be)

c) HAVE  you DONE it?  (do)

d) HAS he ever SEEN it?  (see) 


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